人骨骼肌微血管內皮細胞 參考價:500
人骨骼肌微血管內皮細胞Human Primary Skeletal Muscle Microvascular Endothelial Cells are iso...人卵巢平滑肌細胞 參考價:500
人卵巢平滑肌細胞 are isolated from human ovarian tissue. Each vial contains at least 0.5...人神經后腦干細胞 參考價:500
人神經后腦干細胞 is derived from donated fetal brain tissue.人類2型糖尿病白斑 參考價:500
人類2型糖尿病白斑 are obtained by aphresis from donors with Type 2 Diabetes.外周血單個核細胞 參考價:500
Human non-Hodgkin lymphoma (DLBCL) 外周血單個核細胞 are obtained from donors with non-Ho...Human Anus Epithelial Cells 參考價:500
Human Anus Epithelial Cells are isolated from Human Anus tissue.人肺泡巨噬細胞 參考價:500
人肺泡巨噬細胞Human Alveolar macrophages are mononuclear phagocytes found in the alveol...人肺周細胞 參考價:500
人肺周細胞 are distributed in the microvasculature of lung tissue, key factors of reg...人睪丸間質細胞 參考價:500
人睪丸間質細胞Human Leydig Cells are cryopreserved carefully using AcceGen cryopreserva...人肺癌相關成纖維細胞 參考價:500
人肺癌相關成纖維細胞Human Lung Cancer Carcinoma Associated Fibroblasts are obtained from d...人肺成纖維細胞(癌旁) 參考價:500
人肺成纖維細胞(癌旁)Human Lung Fibroblasts (Paracancerous) are cryopreserved carefully us...人外周血巨噬細胞 參考價:500
人外周血巨噬細胞Peripheral blood Macrophages are derived from isolated peripheral blood ...人類軟骨細胞(骨關節炎) 參考價:500
人類軟骨細胞(骨關節炎)Human Chondrocytes (Osteoarthritis) are cryopreserved carefully usin...Human Pancreatic Type 1 Diabetic Islets of Langerh 參考價:500
Human Pancreatic Type 1 Diabetic Islets of Langerhans was derived from Human Pan...Human Pancreatic Type 2 Diabetic Islets of Langerh 參考價:500
Human Pancreatic Type 2 Diabetic Islets of Langerhans was derived from Human Pan...人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞(胚胎) 參考價:500
人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞(胚胎)Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocyte (Embryonic) are cryopreserved c...人支氣管/氣管上皮細胞–COPD 參考價:500
人支氣管/氣管上皮細胞–COPDCOPD Airway Cells include lung fibroblasts, bronchial epithelial...人支氣管/氣管上皮細胞-哮喘 參考價:500
人支氣管/氣管上皮細胞-哮喘Asthmatic Airway Cells include lung fibroblasts, bronchial epithel...人瓣膜內皮細胞 參考價:500
人瓣膜內皮細胞Human Valvular Endothelial Cells are cryopreserved carefully using AcceGe...混合性別人肝S9 參考價:500
混合性別人肝S9Mixed Gender Human Liver S9 is prepared from human livers.人類關節軟骨細胞 參考價:500
人類關節軟骨細胞Normal Human Articular Chondrocytes (NHAC-kn) are isolated from tissue t...人腎上皮細胞 參考價:500
人腎上皮細胞(Human kidney epithelial cells) are derived from whole kidneys that have b...人腎系膜細胞 參考價:500
人腎系膜細胞 (RMC) are perivascular pericytes located within the central portion of th...人腎周細胞 參考價:500
人腎周細胞Pericytes are multi-functional mural cells of the microcirculation that wra...