人全肝細胞 參考價:500
人全肝細胞Human whole liver cells are derived from prenatal livers that have been dis...人牙齦成纖維細胞 參考價:500
人牙齦成纖維細胞Gingival Fibroblasts (GF) are the most abundant cell types found in ging...人牙周韌帶成纖維細胞 參考價:500
人牙周韌帶成纖維細胞Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts (PLFs) are the predominant cell types...人口腔上皮細胞 參考價:500
人口腔上皮細胞The oral epithelium is a mucous layer in the mouth consisting of stratifi...人小腸內皮細胞 參考價:500
人小腸內皮細胞Human Intestinal Microvascular Endothelial Cells were initiated by elutri...人結腸上皮細胞 參考價:500
人結腸上皮細胞Colonic epithelium cover the colonic mucosal surface and maintain the gut...人大腸上皮細胞 參考價:500
人大腸上皮細胞This cell line is available in limited quantities. Please contact us for ...人小腸上皮細胞 參考價:500
人小腸上皮細胞Lining on the intestinal lumen surface, human small intestinal epithelial...人腸肌成纖維細胞 參考價:500
人腸肌成纖維細胞Human Intestinal Myofibroblasts (H-InMyoFib) are isolated from whole adu...人肝竇內皮細胞 參考價:500
人肝竇內皮細胞 (HLSECs) are the most abundant non-parenchymal hepatic cells (about 60%)...Total Liver Cell Population 參考價:500
Total Liver Cell Population AcceGen offers an assortment of various human and no...人肝祖細胞 參考價:500
人肝祖細胞AcceGen offers an assortment of various human and non-human hepatic derived...人肝細胞 參考價:500
人肝細胞Human Hepatocytes (HH) are hepatic cells isolated from the whole human liver...Human Kupffer Cells 參考價:500
Human Kupffer CellsIsolated and enriched from dissociated human liver tissue, Hu...人滑膜細胞 參考價:500
人滑膜細胞Human synoviocytes (HS), the predominant cell type of healthy synovial tiss...人成骨細胞 參考價:500
人成骨細胞Human osteoblasts are a highly specialized cell type of mesenchymal origin ...人體骨骼肌衛星細胞 參考價:500
人體骨骼肌衛星細胞Skeletal muscle contains both differentiated myofibers and stem cells, ...成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞類風濕性關節炎 參考價:500
成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞類風濕性關節炎Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes (HFLS) are isolated from s...成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞骨性關節炎 參考價:500
成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞骨性關節炎Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes (HFLS) are isolated from syn...成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞正常組織 參考價:500
成人成纖維細胞樣滑膜細胞正常組織Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes (HFLS) are isolated from norm...人軟骨細胞,成人 參考價:500
人軟骨細胞,成人Human Chondrocytes (HC) are derived from normal human articular cartilag...人破骨細胞前體細胞 參考價:500
人破骨細胞前體細胞The maintenance and repair of bone tissue is primarily attributed to tw...人腎足細胞 參考價:500
人腎足細胞was derived from Human Kidney. Cells are obtained after cortex digestion, a...人陰道上皮細胞 參考價:500
人陰道上皮細胞 are the inner lining of the vagina consisting of multiple layers of (squ...