當前位置:上海富雨生物科技有限公司>>細胞庫 / 細胞培養>>普通細胞>> RPMI 2650人鼻腔上皮細
人鼻腔上皮細胞 RPMI 2650
種屬 | 人 |
別稱 | RPMI 2650;RPMI2650;Roswell Park Memorial Institute 2650 |
組織來源 | 鼻中隔;來源于轉移部位的鱗狀細胞癌:胸腔積液 |
疾病 | 鱗狀細胞癌 |
傳代比例/細胞消化 | 1:2-1:3傳代,消化3-5分鐘 |
培養基配置 | MEM培養基;10%胎牛血清;1%雙抗 |
簡介 | 來自胸腔積液的一種廣泛的鼻中隔惡性腫瘤,診斷為間變性鱗狀細胞癌。幾乎正常的核型,穩定的染色體數目和可能 來源于惡性細胞使細胞系的人類細胞系。細胞非常小,成簇生長,融合形成厚層 |
形態 | 上皮細胞樣 |
生長特征 | 貼壁生長 |
倍增時間 | ~40-50h |
基因表達 | mucoid:keratin |
STR | Amelogenin:X,Y CSF1P0:9,11 D13S317:11,12 D16S539:11,12 D5S818:12,13 D7S820:8,11 THO1:6,8 TPOX:8yWA:16.18 |
保藏機構 | ATCC;CCL-30 |
immunotherapy.Oncology nurses have worked within the three pillars of cancer care-surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy -for decades. Now, immuno-oncologic (I-O) therapy agents are a new paradigm in cancer treatment. On March 28, 2017, an I-O think tank was held at the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) in Pittsburgh, PA. This think tank was organized in response to the rapid changes in cancer treatment with the advent of I-O therapies. The think tank appraised