當前位置:上海富雨生物科技有限公司>>細胞庫 / 細胞培養>>細胞株>> HGC27/L人胃癌耐
細胞系特征 | ||
細胞株名稱:HGC27/L 人胃癌耐藥株 種屬:人 組織來源:胃癌 生長特性:貼壁生長 形態特征:上皮細胞 微生物及支原體檢測:陰性 安全性:所有腫瘤和病毒轉染的細胞均視為有潛在的生物危害性,必須在二級生物安全臺內操作,并請注意防護,所有廢液及接觸過此細胞的器皿需高壓滅菌后方能丟棄。 | ||
| 培養基:90%RPMI-1640 +10%胎牛血清+0.5ug/ml L 血清我們推薦用: GIBCOFBS-10099-141或HYCLONEFBS-SH30084.03。 培養條件:37.0C carbon dioxide(CO2),5% | |
| 收到細胞后,在倒置鏡下(是在4X物鏡)觀察整個細胞生長情況。 (一)如果細胞未長滿,用75%酒精噴灑整個瓶消毒后放到超菌臺內,嚴格無菌操作,打開細胞培養瓶,吸出培養液,換 10ml新鮮培養液后繼續培養。 (二)如果細胞已長滿,即可進行傳代培養。具體步驟如下: 1. 棄去培養液,用PBS(不含鈣,鎂離子)洗1-2次。 2. 加0.7-1ml消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培養瓶中,用力拍打瓶壁,期間每隔 5-10s放到顯微鏡下觀察,直至50-70%的細胞脫落后,加入2ml 以上培養基中止消化。 3. 按6-8ml/瓶補加培養基,輕輕打勻后吸出一半,分到新的培養瓶中。如果沒有特別說明,收到細胞后的次傳代一般是一傳二。 注:1、觀察細胞在低倍鏡(4或5X物鏡)下進行,否則不能準確判斷細胞的傳代密度。看細胞的形態請在10X或20X物鏡下。 2、瓶中運輸培養基不能重復再用,請換用加雙抗的新培養基,細胞凍存后,培養基中可不加任何抗生素。 3、有些細胞貼壁不牢,如發現貼壁細胞有脫落,可離心吹打后接種到新瓶內。 4、收到細胞后,若發現培養瓶破損、有液溢出及細胞有污染,請及時與我們聯系。..
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凍存方法: | 凍存液:90%胎牛血清,10%DMSO 儲存:液氮儲存 |
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Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that other mechanisms also contribute to the regulation of autophagy in addition to mTOR- and AMPK-mediated mechanisms as compounds such as the disaccharide trehalose, spermidine or resveratrol can induce autophagy without affecting mTOR kinase activity [86–89].
The autophagy machinery consists of several sequential steps: initiation, nucleation, elongation, fusion, and degradation2. The phosphoinositide 3-kinase PIK3C3/ VPS34 forms a complex with BECN1/Beclin 1 and plays a central role in autophagosome nucleation7. To study the role of PIK3C3 in T-cell metabolism and function, we generated conditional knockout mice to selectively dis- rupt Pik3c3 in T cells, starting from their development in the thymus4. We ?rst demonstrated that functional autophagy is severely blocked in Pik3c3-de?cient T cells, which resulted in a substantial loss of circulating T cells and a reciprocal increase in the frequencies of other lymphoid cells in peripheral tissues4. Pik3c3-de?cient T cells also showed increased apoptosis, impaired ex vivo