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Pentair X-Flow Ultrafiltration MembraneAquaflex 64

來源:深圳市禹安環(huán)境科技有限公司   2025年03月08日 15:08  

The Pentair X-Flow Ultrafiltration Membrane Aquaflex 64 is a hollow fiber membrane module designed for advanced water and wastewater treatment. Here's a structured overview of its key features, applications, and specifications:

Key Features:

  • Technology: Hollow fiber ultrafiltration (UF) with a pore size typically around 0.02–0.05 microns, effective for removing bacteria, viruses, suspended solids, and colloids.

  • Material: Likely made from PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) for durability, chemical resistance, and fouling mitigation.

  • Design:

    • Flexible Configuration: Suitable for pressurized or submerged systems, adaptable to various plant designs.

    • High Surface Area: The "64" may refer to membrane area (e.g., 64 m2) or module size, optimizing filtration capacity.

    • Robust Construction: Resists mechanical stress and frequent backwashing.



  • Municipal Water Treatment: Producing potable water from surface or groundwater.

  • Industrial Wastewater Reuse: Treating effluent for recycling in industries like power, textiles, or chemicals.

  • Food & Beverage: Purifying process water or wastewater.

  • Pre-Treatment for Reverse Osmosis (RO): Reducing fouling in desalination or high-purity systems.

Performance Specifications:

  • Flux Rate: Typically 50–100 LMH (liters per m2/hour), depending on water quality and operating conditions.

  • Operating Pressure: ~0.1–2.5 bar (low-energy consumption).

  • Temperature Tolerance: 5–40°C.

  • pH Range: Operates in 2–11 (cleaning at extreme pH levels possible).

  • Recovery Rate: High (up to 90–95% with efficient backwashing).

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  • Backwashing: Regular cycles to remove fouling (air or water).

  • Chemical Cleaning: CIP (clean-in-place) with acids, bases, or oxidants (e.g., NaOCl) for biofouling control.

  • Integrity Testing: Ensures fiber integrity via pressure decay or bubble-point tests.


  • Reliability: Consistent performance with low fouling.

  • Compact Design: Space-efficient for retrofitting or new installations.

  • Sustainability: Reduces chemical use and energy compared to conventional methods.

Typical Module Specifications:

  • Dimensions: Varies by model (e.g., 200–250 mm diameter, 1.5–2m length).

  • Connections: Standardized fittings for easy integration into skid systems.

Pentair emphasizes ease of integration and low lifecycle costs, making the Aquaflex 64 a competitive choice for diverse UF applications. For exact parameters, consult Pentair’s technical datasheets or If you have a need to purchase this ultrafiltration membrane, you can contact Amy, Sales Manager of Shenzhen Yu'an Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.


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