HFRR Standard Specimen Pack ,柴油潤滑性消耗包
PCS柴油潤滑性消耗包/柴油潤滑性消耗包 HFRSSP
Standard Specimen Pack – Part code: HFRSSP
· This standard specimen pack comprises 100 upper and 100 lower specimens for use in the HFRR and are manufactured to comply with ISO and ASTM standards.
· Upper Specimen (Ball)
· The upper specimen is specified to grade 28 (ANSI B3.12), ANSI E-52100 steel, with a Rockwell hardness “C” scale (HRC) number of 58-66 (ISO 6508), and a surface finish of less than 0.05 µm Ra.
· Lower Specimen (Disc)
· The lower specimen is specified to AISI E-52100 steel machined from annealed rod, with Vickers hardness “HV30” scale number of 190-210 (ISO 6507/1). It is turned, lapped and polished to a surface finish of less than 0.02µm Ra.
HFRR standard specimens are sold as a pack of 100 upper and 100 lower specimens. The upper specimen is a 6mm diameter ball that is loaded into the upper specimen holder and the lower specimen is a 10mm disc that is loaded into the lower specimen holder.
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