目錄:天津益元利康生物科技有限公司>>產品>>細胞>> ABC-TC4189大鼠卵巢平滑肌細胞
CAS | 詳詢 | 純度 | 詳詢 |
分子量 | 詳詢 | 分子式 | 詳詢 |
供貨周期 | 現貨 | 規格 | 1 vial |
貨號 | ABC-TC4189 | 應用領域 | 醫療衛生,生物產業,制藥,綜合 |
主要用途 | 科研 |
product name:Rat Ovarian Smooth Muscle Cells;
cat no:ABC-TC4189;
Size/Quantity:1 vial;
Biosafety Level:1;
Shipping Info:Dry Ice;
Storage:Liquid Nitrogen;
Description:Rat Ovarian Smooth Muscle Cells from AcceGen are isolated from tissue of Sprague-Dawley Rats. Rat Ovarian Smooth Muscle Cells are grown in T75 tissue culture flasks pre-coated with gelatin-based coating solution for 0.5 hour and incubated in AcceGen’s Cell Culture Medium for 3-7 days. Cultures are then expanded. Prior to shipping, cells are detached from flasks and immediately cryo-preserved in vials. Each vial contains at least 1×10^6 cells per ml and is delivered frozen.
Cells are negative for bacteria, yeast, fungi, and mycoplasma and are characterized by immunofluorescent staining with antibodies to α-smooth muscle actin.
Cells can be expanded on a multiwell culture plate ready for experiments under the cell culture conditions specified by AcceGen.
Repeated freezing and thawing of cells is not recommended.
Standard biochemical procedures performed with smooth muscle cell cultures include the assays of cell to cell interaction, PCR, Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescent staining, immunofluorescent flow cytometry or generating cell derivatives for desired research applications.;
Quality Control:All cells test negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi;
Application:For research use only.
Accegen、Intact Genomic、Sigma、Epigentek、ThermoFisher、DNA Genotek、USA Scientific......