UL 2251: Standard Testing for Charging Inlets and Plugs
閱讀:854 發布時間:2021-4-6完整英文版UL 2251:2017 Standard for Plugs, Receptacles, and Couplers for Electric Vehicles(電動汽車的插頭,插座和耦合器),本標準涵蓋額定值高達800安培和交流或直流600伏的EV插頭,EV插座,車輛入口,車輛連接器和EV分離式聯軸器。這些設備旨在與導電電動車輛供應設備(EVSE)一起使用,并旨在促進從EVSE到車輛的導電連接。根據附件A、參考文獻A,這些設備
UL 2251: Standard Testing for Charging Inlets and Plugs
UL 2251 - Standard for Safety for Plugs, Receptacles and Couplers for Electric Vehicles, First Edition
The UL 2251 standard requirements cover plugs, receptacles, vehicle inlets, and connectors rated up to 800 amperes and up to 600 volts AC or DC, and intended for conductive connection systems, for use with electric vehicles in accordance with National Electrical Code (NEC), ANSI/NFPA-70 for either indoor or outdoor non-hazardous locations.