當前位置:> 供求商機> 蛋形指數,蛋殼厚度,蛋質系列測量儀
蛋形指數測定器 Egg form coefficient measuring instrument 本儀器通過測定蛋的長徑與短徑的比例、可判斷雞蛋的尺寸規格。大致分為 S、M、L(圓型、標準型、長型) 3種。
Using the measuring instrument that can measure the ratio of the major axis to the minor. The coefficient and the code number which is index number are displayed;th(an) e form is classified into three kinds, i.e., S, M, L(round, standard, and oblong type).
商品號Code No 29007000制品號No NFN385尺寸Size 240×280mm重量Weight 1.8kg
■蛋質計算尺哈氏單位換算尺 Egg conditioning counting ruler 由蛋體的重量(g)、濃厚蛋白高度來計算雞蛋鮮度指數(哈氏單位,Haugh Unit),根據美國農務省蛋質公定基準來計算判斷。
Haugh Unit is calculated from theweight of the egg and the height ofthe white and at the same time
商品號Code No 29005000制品號No NFN383尺寸Size 220mm重量Weight 100g
relationship with the ratingdetermined by the public standardof Department of Agriculture, USA.
■蛋殼厚度測量計 Egg shell thickness gauge
可精確(zui小精度 1/100mm)的測量蛋殼的厚度。為了更加正確的測量蛋殼曲面,計測點做成特殊的球狀。
This gauge is capable of measuring thethickness of the egg shell up to 1/100mm.
商品號Code No 29002000制品號No NFN380精度Precision 1/100mm尺寸Size 95mm重量Weight 120g